Wednesday 26 November 2014

I am not a professional blogger,and if at all you land up visiting this post please dont mind my grammar or usage. There are a lot of things going on in my mind and I thought if I don't stack them somewhere I might lose my mind,hence the blogging.
I am from a typical indian family and right now i am struggling to follow my heart. Each one of us have a story to tell, and most of us are leading a life on "others" terms. Often we end up questioning ourselves about what we are becoming and what we thought we'd become. I am one such kind. We always dream of things that we want to do but we end up not doing them because life comes in the way. I wish things were as simple as they used be when we were young,back then we dint have a filtering system and we always did what our heart wanted to do and yes we were very happy then. But when we reach our 20's after the teenage "phase", life becomes complicated, and you enter into a world that is always trying to crush you down. My question is Why?Why should we allow somebody to crush our dreams? We just got one life and god knows how long that is, why waste it doing something that we hate to do. I want to be an Entrepreneur and I will definitely become one. 

Let me tell you my story, as I said I am from a typical indian family. So in india your life is kinda planned the moment your gender is revealed. By the the time you start knowing things our human nature makes us to question about everything we are  put through, I suffered from dyslexia and attention deficit disorder. I dint know how to spell my name till i was 7, My teachers used to hit me and scold me to put me on the right path, but that dint work because it happens when it  happens. And it happened when I was in highschool,I turned out to be this meritorious kid and I am every teacher's favourite kid. I graduated with an Engineering degree, and got placed right away, and thats when my mind started its weird behaviour. I was kind of forced to take the job. I always wanted to be an Entrepreneur, and it is very suffocating to do something that you dont love. So I told my parents that I want to quit, the reply was an instant big "NO". Apparently they are worried about what where I would end up if I quit my job. Everyone thinks that when you get a job its perfect and theyll be like what else do you need, but doing something that you dont love changes you, and I dont want to change. So today I am going to tell my parents that I dont want to do the job because its killing me from inside, and there is nothing that I could do except quitting it. 

All I want to tell is that when you follow your heart life becomes acceptable,but at the same time you should be brave enough to face the consequences that follow the choices you make. Living your life on your terms is a blessing.